Fixed: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent

Okay, so many of you guys still ask me about how to fix these warning messages in our Facebook scripts. Today I'm going to give you two possible fixes that you can do. By the way, here's the warning message we want to remove:


You can fix it by adding a session_start() on top of your PHP file, just right after your first line <?php tag. It looks like this:


You can fix it by moving the Facebook class and instance code on top of your PHP file. It would look like this:

If none of them worked, you can read more here.

How Do You Start A Facebook Page?

Hi guys! Most of the top posts here in my blog is related to web development with Facebook. Many asks beforehand how to create a Facebook page where we will pull our data. So here’s a step by step tutorial on how to do such task.

How Do You Start A Facebook Page?
Our final output.

Photos are kinda small, you have to click each photos below to enlarge.

Step 1

Go to Facebook “Create A Page” section that can be found in this link: Create a Page. You should see this page:

Create a Facebook page.
Create a Facebook page.

Step 2

In this example, we are going to create a “Brand or Product” for our website. Click “Brand or Product” box and fill up the required filled.
On the “Category” dropdown, select “Website”.
On the “Brand or Product Name” field, I’ll enter “Mike Dalisay Works” for example.
Check “I agree to Facebook Pages Terms” checkbox.
It should look like this:

Creating a brand or product Facebook page.
Creating a brand or product Facebook page.

Step 3

Click the “Get Started” button. It will make you set up some information for your Facebook page such as profile picture, about, Facebook web address, and enable ads option. Just follow the flow.

Facebook page info set up.
Facebook page info set up.
Facebook page profile picture.
Facebook page profile picture.
Facebook page “About” info
Facebook page “About” info
Facebook web address.
Facebook web address.
Enable ads. You can click the skip button.
Enable ads. You can click the skip button.

Step 4

At this stage, you already have successfully created your Facebook page! Congrats! Now Facebook will give you some guidelines on how to use your Facebook page.

Like your own page.
Like your own page.
Invite others to like your page.
Invite others to like your page.
Do your first post!
Do your first post!

Display Facebook Videos To Your Website Script

Update 2: Hi guys! The script on this page is not actively developed anymore, but we have the alternatives!

Learn how to display other Facebook page data using these scripts too!

Hi guys! After my post about displaying Facebook photos and events to website, some of you requested this post – how to display Facebook Fan Page Videos to your website or webpage.

This one is useful if you want your Facebook videos to be shown in your website in a synchronized way.

Once you uploaded a video in your fan page, it will be automatically shown to your website too.

The advantages and risks of this is almost the same with what I discussed in my first post related to this one.



On the demo, I just uploaded some random videos of mine, taken using my Android phone. Haha!

In this post I’ll show you the code on:

  • How to pull videos from you Facebook Page and display it to your website.
  • We will retrieve just the video’s title, date it was created, the actual video and its description.

We were able to achieve this using the FQL, Facebook PHP SDK. As of this posting, the current PHP SDK version I downloaded is v.3.1.1. And of course, creating a Facebook App so you can have your own AppId and App Secret Id.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″/>
        <title>The Code Of A Ninja Dummy Page Videos</title>
        <style type=’text/css’>
                margin: 0 0 10px 0;
                font:italic 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                margin:0 0 5px 0;
                font:12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                margin:0 0 5px 0;
                width:320px; /*i tried it with a bigger video and it’s 400px*/
                margin: 5px;
                font:20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
<div class=’page_title’>
    These videos are synchronized with this
    <a href=’′ target=’_blank’>
        Dummy Page Videos
require ‘fb-sdk/src/facebook.php’;

//specify you appId and secret
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
  ‘appId’  => ‘change_to_your_app_id’,
  ‘secret’ => ‘change_to_your_app_secret’,
  ‘cookie’ => true, // enable optional cookie support

//query to get videos
//specify you fan page id, I got 221167777906963
//you can also use the LIMIT clause here if you want to show limited number of videos only
$fql = “SELECT
            vid, owner, title, description, thumbnail_link,
            embed_html, updated_time, created_time
        WHERE owner=221167777906963″;
$param  =   array(
 ‘method’    => ‘fql.query’,
 ‘query’     => $fql,
 ‘callback’  => ”
$fqlResult   =   $facebook->api($param);

//loop through each videos
foreach( $fqlResult as $keys => $values ){
    echo “<div class=’video_item’>”;
        echo “<div class=’video_title’>” . $values['title'] . “</div>”;
        echo “<div class=’date_created’>Date Created: “ . date( ‘l, F d, Y’, $values['created_time'] ) . “</div>”;
        echo $values['embed_html'];
        echo “<div class=’video_desc’>” . $values['description'] . “</div>”;
    echo “</div>”;

You can also retrieve other videos information if you want, please see the videos table of Facebook.

How To Get A Job In Tech

How To Get A Job In Tech? Well, I currently have a job in the IT industry but not in these big and amazing  companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook. Honestly, I've been dreaming of getting a job at Google. Haha! I choose Google because I love their products such as GMail, Google Docs, Android, Search Engine and many others even though there are some ads, for me it's just fine and natural. It enable me to enjoy great technologies free. :)

But anyway, I'm happy with my current job, developing Google Android applications and utilizing lots of their web development tools such as of Google Code, Analytics, and Webmaster tools.

I wondered how to get at job in these awesome companies. So I thank this info-graphic for giving me some idea. Haha! Let's see:


Google+ vs. Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg’s Reaction

Alright, so I watched this video about 10 times now and I know I'm gonna be watching this one tomorrow and in the future. Hahaha!

This one really makes me laugh. Well I know some of you might not find it funny but this one is really hilarious for me! I mean, I was like ROFL! This is about MySpace, Facebook, and Google+.

We all know the competition they had or they're having. The actors are really good.

Real Tom, Fake Tom :))

Fake Zuck, Real Zuck.

The movie clip was made by the Rooster Teeth. Thanks to them for making my day. :))

Here are some of my favorite lines on that video:


Zuck: Listen, we're friends right?
Guy: Sure yeah, we're on the same, circle of friends.


Zuck: Do I know you from somewhere?
Tom: Let me give you a hint.


Tom: I'm sorry I didn't get your name
Zuck: It's not important, listen, I have to go.


Tom: I'm not gonna hurt you, you know why Zuckerberg? I don't have to.


There's a lot more. Well, to understand those lines more, just watch it:

The real Tom Anderson had his personal comment on this video:

"G+ / FB / MySpace Parody :-) Takes a while to get goin' :) Sorta a video version of the comic I shared a few days ago.

Update: Some people reacted to this post by suggesting I'm eager to see Zuckerberg / Facebook go down. You're not reading my posts at all if you think that. As I've started a few times, Mark has always been a gentleman to me, and I admire what he's done, and am looking forward to what he will do.

The competition between G+, Twitter, and Facebook will make all three companies better. Who wins? Us, the users. Did Facebook even have a "status update" before Twitter? FB grew and became better because of that competition.

And as for me, my ownership of MySpace was sold in the initial 2005 sale, not in the recent fire sale (see the previous post). From my perspective, I'm grateful and feel lucky both for the money I made and the long run MySpace did have (I left in early 2009)."

He said that on his Google+ account. Yes, he posted it in his personal G+ account. I admire Tom for being really cool, he has such a great sense of humor. He's a good sport. Tom, "Invented Friends" should be one of your bragging rights in your Google Plus account!

Social Network Integration

Social Network Integration
Familiar huh?

Facebook? Twitter? You are probably very familiar or even addicted to them. To date, it is almost impossible for people who use the internet to miss an account with them. They are free, easy to use and lets you connect with your friends or people no matter where on earth they are. Wikipedia defines social networking service as “…an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities”. There are so many social networking service sites out there and two of the most popular includes facebook and twitter.

Most internet users are visiting their facebook account everyday. It just shows that the world has gone social. When you log in to your facebook account, you can check and see how many of your friends are online. Large number of people are getting online every day and make it as essential part of their life. They connect with each other, playing games, sharing activities, interests, etc. with their network of friends. They join conversations and discover contents that can be of meaningful value for them. The social network is active and authentic since it is made up of real people - and these people can be the consumers for your business.
With that said, we can conclude that it is beneficial for businesses to integrate social networks, such as facebook and twitter, to their web presence or websites. Once a user like, recommend or tweet your website, it will be shared to their network of friends and this personal recommendation is a powerful kind of endorsement. Your website will have more opportunity to be visited that offers your products and/or services to be known to customers.
Maybe you are aware of how many people can find your facebook page or tweets? According to Wikipedia, facebook now has over 600 million active users all over the world while twitter has 200 million (as of January 2011). It’s now a privilege for your business to join these social networking sites to keep in touch of your customers and get the edge by integrating it to your website.

I have the following tutorials related to Social Network Integration: