JavaScript CRUD Tutorial – Step By Step Guide!

Last update: June 02, 2015
Date posted: June 02, 2015
Created by ninjazhai

Previously, we learned how to create, read, update, delete, search, and paginate data with our simple REST API tutorial in PHP.

Today, this tutorial will demonstrate a step-by-step approach to creating a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using JavaScript.

We will utilize a pre-existing REST API as the back-end and create a user-friendly front-end interface to interact with the data. This guide is perfect for developers learning to create dynamic web applications using JavaScript.

We will also incorporate search and pagination functionality to enhance the user experience. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to create a fully-functional CRUD application using JavaScript and a REST API. Let’s get started!

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What Is JavaScript? JavaScript is a programming language used to make websites interactive and dynamic. It is used on the client side, meaning it runs on the user’s device (such as a computer or phone) rather than on a server.

It is used on 98% of websites and is often used in conjunction with HTML and CSS to create a complete web experience. With JavaScript, you can update content, control multimedia, and create animations.

But this tutorial will focus on creating, reading, updating, and deleting database records. We will do it using JavaScript, JSON, and PHP. JSON data will be handled by the REST API built using PHP.

I highly recommend studying the previous tutorials first before proceeding here. But if you think you can take this one, then go on.

Program Output

Below are the screenshots of our tutorial’s final result. You can click an image to view the larger version of it.

Create a record.
Read list of records.
Read one record.
When delete button was clicked.

Let’s proceed to the step-by-step tutorial.


In this tutorial, we will use a REST API built with PHP.

We did not include REST API source code because we were hoping you could focus on learning to code with JavaScript, not PHP.

But the good news is we made a separate tutorial about how to build a simple REST API with PHP. Click here to learn the step-by-step PHP REST API tutorial.

I highly recommend learning our REST API tutorial first. This is because we will use that API for the rest of this tutorial.

But if you already have your REST API that will work with this tutorial, that’s also okay.

In my case, one example where I can access the REST API is: http://localhost/api/product/read.php

That link will show me the list of products from the database, in JSON format. It looks like the following screenshot.

Our JavaScript app will consume the data above. The list of products will be displayed in the Bootstrap table with buttons like “Read One,” “Update,” and “Delete.” This tutorial will show it in the “How To Read JSON Data Using JavaScript?” section.

By the way, I’m using a Chrome extension called JSONView to make the JSON data readable in the browser.

Create index.html file

Create index.html file on your project’s main folder. Open that file and put in the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Read Products</title>
    <!-- bootstrap CSS -->
	<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
	<!-- custom CSS -->
	<link href="app/assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- our app will be injected here -->
<div id="app"></div>
<!-- jQuery library -->
<script src=""
        integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- bootstrap JavaScript -->
<script src=""
        integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- bootbox for confirm pop up -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- app js script -->
<script src="app/app.js"></script>
<!-- products scripts -->
<script src="app/products/read-products.js"></script>
<script src="app/products/create-product.js"></script>
<script src="app/products/read-one-product.js"></script>
<script src="app/products/update-product.js"></script>
<script src="app/products/delete-product.js"></script>

Create custom CSS file

  1. Create “app” folder.
  2. Open the “app” folder and create the “assets” folder.
  3. Open the “assets” folder and create the “css” folder.
  4. Open the “css” folder and create “style.css” file.

The “style.css" file is our custom CSS file. You can put any CSS in this file for additional web page styling. In our case, we have the following CSS code inside the “style.css” file.

.m-r-10px{ margin-right:10px; }
.m-b-10px{ margin-bottom:10px; }
.m-b-15px{ margin-bottom:15px; }
.m-b-20px{ margin-bottom:20px; }
.w-5-pct{ width:5%; }
.w-10-pct{ width:10%; }
.w-15-pct{ width:15%; }
.w-20-pct{ width:20%; }
.w-25-pct{ width:25%; }
.w-30-pct{ width:30%; }
.w-35-pct{ width:35%; }
.w-40-pct{ width:40%; }
.w-45-pct{ width:45%; }
.w-50-pct{ width:50%; }
.w-55-pct{ width:55%; }
.w-60-pct{ width:60%; }
.w-65-pct{ width:65%; }
.w-70-pct{ width:70%; }
.w-75-pct{ width:75%; }
.w-80-pct{ width:80%; }
.w-85-pct{ width:85%; }
.w-90-pct{ width:90%; }
.w-95-pct{ width:95%; }
.w-100-pct{ width:100%; }
.display-none{ display:none; }
.padding-bottom-2em{ padding-bottom:2em; }
.width-30-pct{ width:30%; }
.width-40-pct{ width:40%; }
.overflow-hidden{ overflow:hidden; }
.margin-right-1em{ margin-right:1em; }
.right-margin{ margin:0 .5em 0 0; }
.margin-bottom-1em { margin-bottom:1em; }
.margin-zero{ margin:0; }
.text-align-center{ text-align:center; }

Use jQuery, Bootstrap, and Bootbox.js libraries

As you can see in the index.html file, we use jQuery and Bootbox.js libraries.

jQuery JavaScript library is needed to make it easy to control interactions like button clicking and form submission. In this tutorial, we are using jQuery version 3.6.0. jQuery CDN is here.

Bootstrap makes it easy for us to have a beautiful user interface. We are using Bootstrap version 3.3.7 in this tutorial. Bootstrap CDN is here.

Bootbox.js library is needed to make the “delete” confirmation dialog box look better. We are using Bootbox.js version 4.4.0 in this tutorial. Bootbox.js CDN is here.

Create app.js file

The “app.js” file contains some basic HTML and JavaScript functions that other JS files in our app can use.

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Inside that “app” folder, create “app.js” file.
  3. Open “app.js” file and put the following code.
    // app html
    var app_html=`
        <div class='container'>
            <div class='page-header'>
                <h1 id='page-title'>Read Products</h1>
            <!-- this is where the contents will be shown. -->
            <div id='page-content'></div>
    // inject to 'app' in index.html
// change page title
function changePageTitle(page_title){
	// change page title
	// change title tag
// function to make form values to json format
$.fn.serializeObject = function()
    var o = {};
    var a = this.serializeArray();
    $.each(a, function() {
        if (o[] !== undefined) {
            if (!o[].push) {
                o[] = [o[]];
            o[].push(this.value || '');
        } else {
            o[] = this.value || '';
    return o;

Create “products” scripts

Now, we will create several JavaScript files.

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Create “products” folder inside “app” folder.
  3. Create the following files inside “products” folder:
    • read-products.js
    • create-product.js
    • read-one-product.js
    • update-product.js
    • delete-product.js

What’s the code inside the JavaScript files above? For now, we will leave them empty. But we will fill them out in the next several sections of this tutorial.


Our code so far will have almost empty output. It should look like the following.

How To Read JSON Data Using JavaScript?

Show products on first page load

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Open “products” folder inside the “app” folder.
  3. Open read-products.js file inside the “products” folder.

The following code will call the showProducts() method on first load of the web page.

The showProducts() will show the list of products in an HTML table. Put the following code inside read-products.js file.

    // show list of product on first load
// showProducts() method will be here

Show products on click of a button

The following code will call showProducts() method in a click of a button with read-products-button class.

The button can be found in the “create product” and “update product” HTML template. We will see it in the next sections.

Put the following code under the showProducts(); of the previous section.

// when a 'read products' button was clicked
$(document).on('click', '.read-products-button', function(){

Create showProducts() function

Now we will create the showProducts() method. Replace // showProducts() method will be here comment in read-products.js file with the following code.

// function to show list of products
function showProducts(){

Get list of products

The following code will contact our API to get the list of products in JSON format. Put the following code after the opening curly brace of the previous section.

// get list of products from the API
$.getJSON("http://localhost/api/product/read.php", function(data){

Add “Create Product” button

We have to add a “Create Product” button in the “products list” view. We will make this button work later in this tutorial.

Place the following code after the opening curly brace of the previous section.

// html for listing products
var read_products_html=`
    <!-- when clicked, it will load the create product form -->
    <div id='create-product' class='btn btn-primary pull-right m-b-15px create-product-button'>
        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span> Create Product

Build HTML table

We have to start building the HTML table where the list of products will appear.

The following code will build an HTML table with its heading. Place it after the previous section’s code.

<!-- start table -->
<table class='table table-bordered table-hover'>
    <!-- creating our table heading -->
        <th class='w-25-pct'>Name</th>
        <th class='w-10-pct'>Price</th>
        <th class='w-15-pct'>Category</th>
        <th class='w-25-pct text-align-center'>Action</th>
	// rows will be here
// end table

Build table row per record

We will loop through each record returned by the API. In each record, we will create a table row.

Aside from product data, the table row will have the “action” buttons as well. These include the “Read One”, “Edit” and “Delete” buttons.

Replace “// rows will be here” comment of the previous section with the following code.

// loop through returned list of data
$.each(data.records, function(key, val) {
    // creating new table row per record
            <td>` + + `</td>
            <td>$` + val.price + `</td>
            <td>` + val.category_name + `</td>
            <!-- 'action' buttons -->
                <!-- read product button -->
                <button class='btn btn-primary m-r-10px read-one-product-button' data-id='` + + `'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></span> Read
                <!-- edit button -->
                <button class='btn btn-info m-r-10px update-product-button' data-id='` + + `'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span> Edit
                <!-- delete button -->
                <button class='btn btn-danger delete-product-button' data-id='` + + `'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span> Delete

Inject to page content

We have to make the HTML table appear on our webpage. We will do this by injecting the table into the “page-content” div.

Place the following code after the closing “table” tag

// inject to 'page-content' of our app

5.9 Change page title

The following code will change the “title” seen on the web page and the “title” seen on the browser tab.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// chage page title
changePageTitle("Read Products");


After doing all the steps above, the output should look like the following.

How To Create or Insert Data Using JavaScript?

Handle “Create Product” Button Click

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Open “products” folder inside the “app” folder.
  3. Open create-product.js file inside the “products” folder.

The following code will handle a click of a button. This button should have “create-product-button” class.

Place the following code inside create-product.js file.

    // show html form when 'create product' button was clicked
    $(document).on('click', '.create-product-button', function(){
		// categories api call will be here
	// 'create product form' handle will be here

Get list of categories from API

We need to get list of categories from the API because we will build the “categories” select field. This is where the user can select the category of the product.

Replace “// categories api call will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// load list of categories
$.getJSON("http://localhost/api/category/read.php", function(data){

Build “categories option” select field

This is where we build the HTML “select” field with the “categories” option.

Place the following code after the opening curly brace of the previous section.

// build categories option html
// loop through returned list of data
var categories_options_html=`<select name='category_id' class='form-control'>`;
$.each(data.records, function(key, val){
    categories_options_html+=`<option value='` + + `'>` + + `</option>`;

Add “Read Products” button

The “read products” button is needed so that we can go back to the products list.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// we have our html form here where product information will be entered
// we used the 'required' html5 property to prevent empty fields
var create_product_html=`
    <!-- 'read products' button to show list of products -->
    <div id='read-products' class='btn btn-primary pull-right m-b-15px read-products-button'>
        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></span> Read Products

Build “Create Product” HTML Form

Now we will build the actual “creat product” HTML form. This is where the user can enter the new product information that will be sent to the server.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

<!-- 'create product' html form -->
<form id='create-product-form' action='#' method='post' border='0'>
    <table class='table table-hover table-responsive table-bordered'>
        <!-- name field -->
            <td><input type='text' name='name' class='form-control' required /></td>
        <!-- price field -->
            <td><input type='number' min='1' name='price' class='form-control' required /></td>
        <!-- description field -->
            <td><textarea name='description' class='form-control' required></textarea></td>
        <!-- categories 'select' field -->
            <td>` + categories_options_html + `</td>
        <!-- button to submit form -->
                <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span> Create Product

Show “Create Product” form and change page title

We have to make the HTML button and form appear on our web page. We will change the page title as well.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// inject html to 'page-content' of our app
// chage page title
changePageTitle("Create Product");

Handle “create product” form submit

If the “create product” form is submitted, we need a script to handle it.

Find “// 'create product form' handle will be here” and replace it with the following code.

// will run if create product form was submitted
$(document).on('submit', '#create-product-form', function(){
	// form data will be here

Get form data

This is how we get data entered in our “create product” HTML form.

Replace “// form data will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// get form data
var form_data=JSON.stringify($(this).serializeObject());

Now we will send the data to the server.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// submit form data to api
	url: "http://localhost/api/product/create.php",
	type : "POST",
	contentType : 'application/json',
	data : form_data,
	success : function(result) {
		// product was created, go back to products list
	error: function(xhr, resp, text) {
		// show error to console
		console.log(xhr, resp, text);
return false;


The output should look like the following.

How To Read One Data Using JavaScript?

Handle “read one” button click

The “read one” button is seen on the “product list” view. When click, it should show the complete product details.

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Inside the “app” folder, open “products” folder.
  3. Inside the “products” folder, open “read-one-product.js” file.

Place the following code inside “read-one-product.js” file.

    // handle 'read one' button click
    $(document).on('click', '.read-one-product-button', function(){
		// product ID will be here

Get product ID

Our script need to identify the record to be read. We do it by getting the product ID.

Replace “// product ID will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// get product id
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');

Read one record from API

We will send the product ID to the API. It will return the data based on the given ID.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// read product record based on given ID
$.getJSON("http://localhost/api/product/read_one.php?id=" + id, function(data){
	// read products button will be here

Add “read products” button

We need the “read products” button so we can go back to the products list.

Replace “// read products button will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// start html
var read_one_product_html=`
    <!-- when clicked, it will show the product's list -->
    <div id='read-products' class='btn btn-primary pull-right m-b-15px read-products-button'>
        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></span> Read Products

Show record data in HTML table

We will place the product information returned by the API to an HTML table.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

<!-- product data will be shown in this table -->
<table class='table table-bordered table-hover'>
    <!-- product name -->
        <td class='w-30-pct'>Name</td>
        <td class='w-70-pct'>` + + `</td>
    <!-- product price -->
        <td>` + data.price + `</td>
    <!-- product description -->
        <td>` + data.description + `</td>
    <!-- product category name -->
        <td>` + data.category_name + `</td>

Show “Read One Product” HTML table and change page title

We have to make the HTML button and table appear on our web page. We will change the page title as well.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// inject html to 'page-content' of our app
// chage page title
changePageTitle("Create Product");


The output should look like the following.

How To Update Data Using JavaScript?

Handle “udpate product” button click

The “edit” button is seen on the “product list” view. When click, it should show the “update product” form filled out with product information.

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Inside the “app” folder, open “products” folder.
  3. Inside the “products” folder, open “update-product.js” file.

Place the following code inside “update-product.js” file.

    // show html form when 'update product' button was clicked
    $(document).on('click', '.update-product-button', function(){
		// product ID will be here
	// 'update product form' submit handle will be here

8.2 Get product ID

Our script need to identify the record to be read. We do it by getting the product ID.

Replace “// product ID will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// get product id
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');

Read product information

To fill out our “update product” HTML form, we need to get product information from the API.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// read one record based on given product id
$.getJSON("http://localhost/api/product/read_one.php?id=" + id, function(data){
	// values will be used to fill out our form
	var name =;
	var price = data.price;
	var description = data.description;
	var category_id = data.category_id;
	var category_name = data.category_name;
	// load list of categories will be here

Get list of categories

A list of categories is needed for product category options. Category records will be rendered as options in a “select” HTML input field.

Replace “// load list of categories will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// load list of categories
$.getJSON("http://localhost/api/category/read.php", function(data){
	// build 'categories option' html
	// loop through returned list of data
        var categories_options_html=`<select name='category_id' class='form-control'>`;
        $.each(data.records, function(key, val){
            // pre-select option is category id is the same
            if({ categories_options_html+=`<option value='` + + `' selected>` + + `</option>`; }
            else{ categories_options_html+=`<option value='` + + `'>` + + `</option>`; }
	// update product html will be here

Add “Read Products” button

The “read products” button is needed so that we can go back to the products list.

Replace “// update product html will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// store 'update product' html to this variable
var update_product_html=`
    <div id='read-products' class='btn btn-primary pull-right m-b-15px read-products-button'>
        <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-list'></span> Read Products

Build “Update Product” form

Now we will build the “update product” HTML form. This form will be built with an HTML table and the input fields are filled out with product information.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

<!-- build 'update product' html form -->
<!-- we used the 'required' html5 property to prevent empty fields -->
<form id='update-product-form' action='#' method='post' border='0'>
    <table class='table table-hover table-responsive table-bordered'>
        <!-- name field -->
            <td><input value=\"` + name + `\" type='text' name='name' class='form-control' required /></td>
        <!-- price field -->
            <td><input value=\"` + price + `\" type='number' min='1' name='price' class='form-control' required /></td>
        <!-- description field -->
            <td><textarea name='description' class='form-control' required>` + description + `</textarea></td>
        <!-- categories 'select' field -->
            <td>` + categories_options_html + `</td>
            <!-- hidden 'product id' to identify which record to delete -->
            <td><input value=\"` + id + `\" name='id' type='hidden' /></td>
            <!-- button to submit form -->
                <button type='submit' class='btn btn-info'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span> Update Product

Show “Update Product” form and change page title

We need to show our “update product” HTML on our webpage. We will change the page title as well.

Put the following code after the previous section’s code.

// inject to 'page-content' of our app
// chage page title
changePageTitle("Update Product");

Handle “udpate product” form submission

If the “update product” form is submitted, we need a script to handle it.

Find “// 'update product form‘ submit handle will be here” and replace it with the following code.

// will run if 'create product' form was submitted
$(document).on('submit', '#update-product-form', function(){
	// get form data will be here
	return false;

Get form data

We will get the product information from our “update product” HTML form.

Replace “// get form data will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// get form data
var form_data=JSON.stringify($(this).serializeObject());

Send form data to server

After getting the form data, we will send the data to our API.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// submit form data to api
	url: "http://localhost/api/product/update.php",
	type : "POST",
	contentType : 'application/json',
	data : form_data,
	success : function(result) {
		// product was created, go back to products list
	error: function(xhr, resp, text) {
		// show error to console
		console.log(xhr, resp, text);


The output should look like the following.

How To Delete Data Using JavaScript?

Handle “Delete Product” button click

The “delete product” button is seen in the “read products” view. When it was clicked, we need to handle it.

  1. Open “app” folder.
  2. Inside the “app” folder, open “products” folder.
  3. Inside the “products” folder, open “delete-product.js” file.

Place the following code inside “delete-product.js” file.

    // will run if the delete button was clicked
    $(document).on('click', '.delete-product-button', function(){
		// product id will be here

Get product ID

The product ID is needed to identify which record to delete using the API.

Replace “// product id will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

// get the product id
var product_id = $(this).attr('data-id');

Show “delete confirmation” dialog box

This is where we will use the Bootbox.js library. We will show a dialog box with “Are you sure?” message with “Yes” and “No” buttons.

Place the following code after the previous section’s code.

// bootbox for good looking 'confirm pop up'
	message: "<h4>Are you sure?</h4>",
	buttons: {
		confirm: {
			label: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> Yes',
			className: 'btn-danger'
		cancel: {
			label: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> No',
			className: 'btn-primary'
	callback: function (result) {
		// delete request will be here

Delete record using API

If the user clicked “Yes” on the dialog box, a “delete” request will be sent to the API.

Replace “// delete request will be here” of the previous section with the following code.

	// send delete request to api / remote server
		url: "http://localhost/api/product/delete.php",
		type : "POST",
		dataType : 'json',
		data : JSON.stringify({ id: product_id }),
		success : function(result) {
			// re-load list of products
		error: function(xhr, resp, text) {
			console.log(xhr, resp, text);


How To Search Data Using JavaScript?

This feature is part of our LEVEL 2 source code.

Include two JS file in index.html

<!-- products scripts -->
<script src="app/products/products.js"></script>
<script src="app/products/search-product.js"></script>

Create products.js file

The “products.js” file will contain any functions that can be used by other product components like our “read-products.js” or “search-products.js” files.

Open “app” folder. Open “products” folder. Create “products.js” file.

Open the “products.js” file and put the following code.

// product list html
function readProductsTemplate(data, keywords){
    var read_products_html=`
		<!-- search products form -->
		<form id='search-product-form' action='#' method='post'>
		<div class='input-group pull-left w-30-pct'>
			<input type='text' value='` + keywords + `' name='keywords' class='form-control product-search-keywords' placeholder='Search products...' />
			<span class='input-group-btn'>
				<button type='submit' class='btn btn-default' type='button'>
					<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-search'></span>
		<!-- when clicked, it will load the create product form -->
		<div id='create-product' class='btn btn-primary pull-right m-b-15px create-product-button'>
			<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span> Create Product
		<!-- start table -->
		<table class='table table-bordered table-hover'>
			<!-- creating our table heading -->
				<th class='w-25-pct'>Name</th>
				<th class='w-10-pct'>Price</th>
				<th class='w-15-pct'>Category</th>
				<th class='w-25-pct text-align-center'>Action</th>
    // loop through returned list of data
    $.each(data.records, function(key, val) {
        // creating new table row per record
            <td>` + + `</td>
            <td>$` + val.price + `</td>
            <td>` + val.category_name + `</td>
            <!-- 'action' buttons -->
                <!-- read product button -->
                <button class='btn btn-primary m-r-10px read-one-product-button' data-id='` + + `'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></span> Read
                <!-- edit button -->
                <button class='btn btn-info m-r-10px update-product-button' data-id='` + + `'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span> Edit
                <!-- delete button -->
                <button class='btn btn-danger delete-product-button' data-id='` + + `'>
                    <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span> Delete
    // end table
    // inject to 'page-content' of our app

Create search-product.js file

The “search-product.js” file will contain a code that catches the submission of the “search product” form.

Open “app” folder. Open the “products” folder. Create “search-products.js” file.

Open the “search-products.js” file and put the following code.

    // when a 'search products' button was clicked
    $(document).on('submit', '#search-product-form', function(){
        // get search keywords
        var keywords = $(this).find(":input[name='keywords']").val();
        // get data from the api based on search keywords
        $.getJSON("http://localhost/api/product/search.php?s=" + keywords, function(data){
            // template in products.js
            readProductsTemplate(data, keywords);
            // chage page title
            changePageTitle("Search products: " + keywords);
        // prevent whole page reload
        return false;

Change read-products.js

We want the “product list” and “search product” to have the same HTML table template. To do this, we will use the readProductsTemplate() function of the products.js file.

Open “app” folder. Open “products” folder. Open the “read-products.js’ file. Change the showProducts() function to the following code.

// function to show list of products
function showProducts(){
    // get list of products from the API
    $.getJSON("http://localhost/api/product/read.php", function(data){
        // html for listing products
        readProductsTemplate(data, "");
        // chage page title
        changePageTitle("Read Products");


How To Paginate Data Using JavaScript?

This feature is part of our LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 3 source codes.


To make pagination work, we’ll have to change the JSON URL. The contents of this new JSON data will include the “paging” node. It looks like the following.

So we will change the JSON URL from:




It means we have to change something in our code. See the change in the next section.

Show products using JSON URL

Open /app/products/read-products.js file. Replace the code with the following.

    // show list of product on first load
    // when a 'read products' button was clicked
    $(document).on('click', '.read-products-button', function(){
    // when a 'page' button was clicked
    $(document).on('click', '.pagination li', function(){
        // get json url
        var json_url=$(this).find('a').attr('data-page');
        // show list of products
function showProductsFirstPage(){
    var json_url="http://localhost/api/product/read_paging.php";
// function to show list of products
function showProducts(json_url){
    // get list of products from the API
    $.getJSON(json_url, function(data){
        // html for listing products
        readProductsTemplate(data, "");
        // chage page title
        changePageTitle("Read Products");

Add Pagination HTML

Open /app/products/products.js file. Find the ending “table” tag and put the following code under it.

// pagination
    read_products_html+="<ul class='pagination pull-left margin-zero padding-bottom-2em'>";
        // first page
            read_products_html+="<li><a data-page='" + data.paging.first + "'>First Page</a></li>";
        // loop through pages
        $.each(data.paging.pages, function(key, val){
            var active_page=val.current_page=="yes" ? "class='active'" : "";
            read_products_html+="<li " + active_page + "><a data-page='" + val.url + "'>" + + "</a></li>";
        // last page
            read_products_html+="<li><a data-page='" + data.paging.last + "'>Last Page</a></li>";


After making the changes above, run index.html again. Do a hard refresh. You should see the paging buttons like the one below.

Download source codes

Choose your download

Create product
Read product
Read one product
Update product
Delete product
Bootstrap UI
Search products
Pagination of products & search products
Create category
Read category
Read one category
Update category
Delete category
Search categories
Pagination of categories & search categories
Navigation bar
Inline editing of products & categories
Export CSV of products & categories
Bootstrap tooltip on some products & categories buttons
Use the buttons below to download. ↓BASICPRO

How To Run The Source Code?

We recommend that you first follow and study our well-detailed, step-by-step tutorial above. Nothing beats experience when it comes to learning.

But we believe you will learn faster if you also see the final source code. We consider it your additional guide.

Imagine the value or skill upgrade it can bring you. You can get additional income from your work, projects, or business. The precious time you save. Isn’t that what you want?

By now, you need to download our source codes. To do it, use any download buttons in the next few sections below.

Once you have downloaded the source codes, here’s how you can run it.

  1. Extract the files to your server directory.
  2. Set up the “api” by following the README.txt inside the “api” folder.
  3. Open your browser and run index.html
  4. If you can see the list of “product” records, it means your set up is correct.

Why download?

Do you need more reasons to download it?

Use new skills for your multiple projects YES
Save huge amount of time learning jQuery AJAX YES
Code examples are direct to the point YES
Well explained and commented source code YES
Fast and friendly email support YES
Free source code updates YES

What’s Next?

Next, we will learn about authenticating users with REST API. Go to our REST API Authentication Example in PHP.

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