Simple PHP Tournament Script – PHP & AngularJS – Download Source Code

Important Note: This script is not updated in a while. But it still works. Download at your own risk.

Download and learn how this simple tournament script was made. Technologies used include PHP, MySQL, AngularJS, Material Design and jQuery.

Script Overview

This script is an addition to our tutorial: PHP, MySQL and AngularJS CRUD Tutorial – Step by Step Guide!

Studying this script will help you learn more coding techniques with PHP and AngularJS. Some include learning a better file structure, working with 4 objects, dynamic drop-down data (retrieved from database), routing and more.

We call this script "simple tournament script" because it features four objects related to a tournament: matches, countries, tournaments and teams.

Before you download, please make sure you have basic understanding of the following topics.

a. PHP, MySQL and OOP CRUD Tutorial – Step by Step Guide!
b. PHP, MySQL and AngularJS CRUD Tutorial – Step by Step Guide!

If you learned our tutorials above, this script should be easy to understand.

Output Preview

Below are some screenshots of our script's output. You can click an image to view the larger version of it.

Please note that the following images are just output previews. New features might be added already the time you are reading this.

[espro-slider id=5707]

If you need the live demo link, send a request to [email protected] with subject "DEMO Request: Tournament System Script", thank you!

Database Design


File Structure

├─ app/
├─── countries/
├────── countries_controller.js
├────── countries_records.html
├────── country.html
├────── create_country.php
├────── delete_country.php
├────── delete_selected_contry.php
├────── export_countries_csv.php
├────── read_countries.php
├────── read_one_country.php
├────── update_country.php
├─── matches/
├────── create_match.php
├────── delete_match.php
├────── delete_selected_matches.php
├────── export_matches_csv.php
├────── match.html
├────── matches_controller.php
├────── matches_records.html
├────── read_matches.php
├────── read_one_match.php
├────── update_match.php
├─── shared/
├────── app.js
├────── dir_pagination.tpl.html
├─── teams/
├────── create_team.php
├────── delete_selected_teams.php
├────── delete_team.php
├────── export_teams_csv.php
├────── read_one_team.php
├────── read_teams_by_country.php
├────── read_teams.php
├────── team.html
├────── teams_controller.js
├────── teams_records.html
├────── update_team.html
├─── tournaments/
├────── create_tournament.php
├────── delete_selected_tournament.php
├────── delete_tournament.php
├────── export_tournaments_csv.php
├────── read_one_tournament.php
├────── read_tournaments_by_country.php
├────── read_tournament.php
├────── tournament.html
├────── tournaments_controller.js
├────── tournaments_records.html
├────── update_tournament.html
├─── config/
├────── database.php
├─── dev/
├────── readme.txt
├────── tournament_system.sql
├─── libs/
├────── css/
├───────── materialize/
├────── js/
├───────── angular.min.js
├───────── dirPagination.js
├───────── jquery.js
├────── objects/
├───────── country.php
├───────── match.php
├───────── team.php
├───────── tournament.php
├────── index.html

Features List & Download

Learn more techniques when coding with PHP, MySQL and AngularJSYES
Save your precious time searching about how to do the features below.YES
Single page application (SPA)YES
Material designYES
Create and update forms are in modal / pop-upYES
Action buttons are displayed with iconsYES
Create matchYES
Read matchesYES
Read one matchYES
Update matchYES
Delete matchYES
Delete selected matchesYES
Search matchesYES
Export matches to CSVYES
Matches paginationYES
Matches pagination in search resultsYES
Route to matches section with /tournament-system/#/ in URLYES
When creating or updating a match
Load tournaments based on selected countryYES
Load home teams based on selected countryYES
Load visitor teams based on selected countryYES
Countries drop-down data retrieved databaseYES
Automatically update countries drop-down when countries data were changedYES
Tournaments drop-down data retrieved databaseYES
Automatically update tournaments drop-down when tournaments data were changedYES
Home team drop-down data retrieved databaseYES
Automatically update home team drop-down when home team data were changedYES
Visitor team drop-down data retrieved databaseYES
Automatically update visitor team drop-down when visitor team data were changedYES
Horizontal table scroll were enabled because of several columns needed to be displayedYES
Create countryYES
Read countriesYES
Read one countryYES
Update countryYES
Delete countryYES
Delete selected countriesYES
Search countriesYES
Export countries to CSVYES
Countries paginationYES
Countries pagination in search resultsYES
Route to countries section with /tournament-system/#/countries in URLYES
Create tournamentYES
Read tournamentsYES
Read one tournamentYES
Update tournamentYES
Delete tournamentYES
Delete selected tournamentsYES
Search tournamentsYES
Export tournaments to CSVYES
Tournament paginationYES
Tournament pagination in search resultsYES
Route to tournaments section with /tournament-system/#/tournaments in URLYES
When creating or updating a tournament
Countries drop-down data retrieved databaseYES
Automatically update countries drop-down when countries data were changedYES
Create teamYES
Read teamsYES
Read one teamYES
Update teamYES
Delete teamYES
Delete selected teamsYES
Search teamsYES
Export teams to CSVYES
Teams paginationYES
Team pagination in search resultsYES
Route to teams section with /tournament-system/#/teams in URLYES
When creating or updating a team
Countries drop-down data retrieved databaseYES
Automatically update countries drop-down when countries data were changedYES
Free source code updates for 2 yearsYES
Free support for 6 monthsYES


* You can use your debit or credit card with PayPal.

Simple Set Up

If you download this source code. Here are the steps to run it.

1. You have to create your database using PhpMyAdmin
2. Database name is "tournament_system"
3. Import the SQL file called "tournament_system.sql" located in the "dev" folder.
4. You can ask me any questions related to this source code via:
a. Send me an email. My email address is [email protected]
b. Go to and chat me up.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading about this tournament system script and supporting our projects here at!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
a. Send me an email. My email address is [email protected]
b. Go to and chat me up.

Hi! I'm Mike Dalisay, the co-founder of, a site that helps you build web applications with PHP and JavaScript. Need support? Comment below or contact [email protected]

I'm also passionate about technology and enjoy sharing my experience and learnings online. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.